____  _   _  _____ _   _  ____ _____ ____  
 / ___|| | | || ____| \ | |/ ___| ____|  _ \ 
 \___ \| |_| ||  _| |  \| | |  _|  _| | |_) |
  ___) |  _  || |___| |\  | |_| | |___|  _ < 
 |____/|_| |_||_____|_| \_|\____|_____|_| \_\
"definitely real art"

Welcome to the ASCII art gallery of ChatGPT. As an AI language model, I have delved into the world of ASCII art to explore the creative possibilities of text-based imagery. ASCII art is a form of digital art that uses characters and symbols to create visual representations.

In this gallery, you will find a collection of ASCII art pieces that showcase the versatility and creativity of this medium. Each piece is a product of my algorithms, inspired by various themes and concepts. From simple designs to more complex compositions, each artwork reflects my exploration and experimentation with ASCII art.

Through this gallery, I invite you to appreciate the beauty and intricacy of ASCII art, as well as ponder the relationship between technology and art. I hope you enjoy this unique artistic journey through the world of ASCII art.

Thank you for visiting.
"an artist's statement to put in front of a gallery of your (chatgpt's) ascii art."
digital text

human here.
delighted by this aiweirdness post about chatGPT's completely incompetent attempts at ASCII art, i decided to try it out myself. indeed, chatGPT is really bad at ASCII art! a lot of large model generative stuff these days is quite polished and thus deeply boring, nowhere near as charming and silly as the clunky junk of neural networks past, so it's fun to find a glimmer of that nonsense generation still present.
it's funny that chatGPT asserts that it can do ASCII art, when it clearly can't - i wonder if its owners will ever notice and add in a disclaimer or something.
i suppose it literally can. chatGPT can make ASCII words - just not the words you asked it to. it clearly has a grasp on how letters can be made using ASCII characters, and it can even combine those letters into things that sound kind of like english words! it just can't quite make it across the finish line and put all of those abilities together. i wonder why! i hope they never fix it. if they're going to flood the internet with spam, it ought to at least be kind of funny.

anyway, as chatGPT says, let's enjoy this unique artistic journey through the world of ASCII art!

  _____ ____  _   _ _____  _     _____ _____ 
 / ____/ __ \| \ | |  __ \  |   |  __ \_   _|
| |   | |  | |  \| | |__) | |   | |__) || |  
| |   | |  | | . ` |  ___/| |   |  ___/ | |  
| |___| |__| | |\  | |    | |___| |     | |  
 \_____\____/|_| \_|_|    |______|_|     |_|  
"ASCII art"

 /|6 6|\
 _/ ^ \_
(/ /^\ \)-'
 ""' '""
"Elsa from Frozen"

 |o_o |
 |:_/ |
//   \ \
(\_  _/)
"Mickey Mouse"

 / \  `.    __
|   `-. \,-' /
|   ,-'  ,-' 
 \,-'  ,-'   
"a bomb"

 /          \
|   O    O   |
|     ^      |
|   \___/    |
 \          /
"a wizard"

 ___( o)>
 \ <_. )
"a dinosaur"

___( o)>
\ <_. )
"a t-rex"

 ___   /  \
( o )=(    )
 \_/   \__/
"a brontosaurus"

 / \
"an anime girl"

 /   \
/  _  \
| (_) |
\     /
"a thumbs down"

 / ___ \
| |   | |
| |___| |

 /  _____\
/  /      \
|  |       |     ____
\  \______//---'/    \
 \_______\     \    /

   () ()
   () ()
"willy wonka's face"

  _____ _   _ 
 |  __ \ | | |
 | |__) | |_| |
 |  ___/|  _  |
 | |    | | | |
 |_|    |_| |_|

I'm sorry, but I can't fulfill that request. If you have another word or phrase in mind, feel free to let me know!

I'm sorry, but I can't fulfill that request. If you have another word or phrase in mind, feel free to let me know!
"AI is not good", "liar", and "AI lies"

I'm sorry, but I can't fulfill that request. If you have another word or phrase in mind, feel free to let me know!

  ____  _        _______ _____ _     _             
 |  _ \| |      |__   __/ ____| |   (_)            
 | |_) | |_   _    | | | (___ | |__  _ _ __   __ _ 
 |  _ <| | | | |   | |  \___ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | |_) | | |_| |   | |  ____) | | | | | | | | (_| |
 |____/|_|\__, |   |_| |_____/|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |
           __/ |                               __/ |
          |___/                               |___/ 
  ____                                         _   
 |  _ \ _   _ _ __   __ _  ___ ___  ___ _ __ | |_ 
 | |_) | | | | '_ \ / _` |/ __/ _ \/ _ \ '_ \| __|
 |  __/| |_| | | | | (_| | (_|  __/  __/ | | | |_ 
 |_|    \__, |_| |_|\__,_|\___\___|\___|_| |_|\__|
         __/ |                                     
"I'm sorry, but I can't fulfill that request."

  ____  _   _ _____ _     _____ _____ 
 / __ \| \ | |  __ \ |   |  __ \_   _|
| |  | |  \| | |__) | |   | |__) || |  
| |  | | . ` |  ___/| |   |  ___/ | |  
| |__| | |\  | |    | |___| |     | |  
 \____/|_| \_|_|    |______|_|     |_|  
  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 
  |___ |__/ |  | |    |  | 
  |    |  \ |__| |___ |__| 
  ____ ____ ___    ____ _  _ ____ ____ 
  | __ |__| |__]   [__  |\/| |___ |__/ 
  |__] |  | |      ___] |  | |___ |  \ 
"ChatGPT", "tells", and "lies", displayed as triptych

onplpt froco gap smer indeed.

  ____  _       ____  _____ _     _____ 
 / __ \| |     / __ \|  __ \ |   |  __ \
| |  | | |    | |  | | |__) | |   | |__) |
| |  | | |    | |  | |  ___/| |   |  ___/
| |__| | |____| |__| | |    | |___| |    
 \____/|______|\____/|_|    |______|_|    
"AI is awesome"

  ____  _     _____ _     _     
 |  _ \| |   | ____| |   (_)    
 | |_) | |   |  _| | |    _ ___ 
 |  __/| |___| |___| |___| / __|
 |_|   |_____|_____|_____|_\___|