hi there, screenreader user. this page is primarily visual, as is the site in general; i don't think it'll work at all if you can't see it, sorry. i will describe it for you if you want to try anyway: there is an image of a closed wooden door in the center of the page. mousing over the door makes the door open, and moving your mouse away from the door makes it close again. there is a sound affect associated with both mouse over and mouse off. the door serves as a navigation link.

to the right of the door is a clickable image of a star. clicking on the star makes it turn and make a noise. when it turns and makes the noise, it changes the background color of the page, the destination the door takes you to, and the image you see when the door "opens". this is accomplished using javascript.

to the left of the door are two small animated images: one of a potted plant, and one of a lit lantern. the plant is decorative. clicking on the lantern will make it appear to go out and open a popover element with a greeting for sighted users. clicking outside of this popover will close it. there is also a button inside of the element which closes it.

on the far left side of the page are floating blurry pieces of text. mousing over them makes them come into focus and stop moving. they detail recent updates to the site and my to-do list for the site.

there are also decorative bits of jewelry lining the top of the page.

anyway, i hope you are having a good day.

this is an invisible image. its job is to be a link.
this is a star. when clicked on, it changes the background color of the page and the link that the door takes you to.
if you'd like to follow my site's RSS feed, you can find it here! i've turned off my neocities profile, so you can't follow me that way any more. i do the rss feed manually & only post to it for particularly notable or interesting updates.


03/02/25: new project in projects; new scrapbook page; de-winterized homepage. 03/04/25: new page in gooftown: play with toys! 03/17/25: two and a half weeks of daily Things in my new project! :) 03/20/25: big makeover for public domain image gallery done! 03/29/25: makeover for the projects page done! not as significant as the public domain gallery rework.

To Do

update: clip city, BL recs
marigold.town shop
fandom section remodel

hello there! you can call me "xo" or "wretch" or "xixxii". this website is for me to play around with and have fun online. i hope that you have fun exploring it!

as i am sure you can tell from this homepage, some pages on this site use audio and javascript for both frivolous and functional reasons. there are also animated gifs, garish colors, and many image-heavy pages which will load slowly on slow connections. also, some pages or sections contain material unsuitable for minors, but they are all labeled.

you found a secret skull... bad ass, dude...
welcome, traveller you are now entering the phone zone!
because your screen is too freaking small! (three exclamation points)