da phone zone......

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have trapped you in the phone zone as punishment for your SMALL ASS BROWSING DEVICE. this is a hell of your own making, the worst hell of all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


you are stuck in here with the wizard who never learned to type. his job is to get in the way. i don't think he owns a phone but he could probably conjure one with his magics. if he really wanted to.

most of my web site just does not work on phones. there are a few exceptions. you could check out my resources page, rubber duck debugging, or my guestbook... i thought i'd made a couple of others work but i just checked them on my phone and they were broken. whoops. well, i'll fix them later and then link them in here.

don't worry, though, phone user. i have a few things for you.

for one thing, you should download newpipe so you can listen to youtube while you do other stuff and block ads.

also, if you're not using firefox on mobile, you ought to be. you can use browser extension like ublock origin on it. this has improved my life greatly.

i like the app "simon tatham's puzzles." it has a bunch of different little puzzle games and no ads and no in-app purchases which is great. if you like little puzzley games, this app is excellent. i like doing killer sudoku on it. they're a really good balance of tricky and solvable. it's the only app game i have on my phone besides pokemon go actually. here's a google play link and an apple app store link. it's free.

what else is there to do on a phone? i mostly read manga because it's a great screen size for reading manga on. the shounen jump app and the viz app are fine. if you read a lot of manga, it's worth shelling out a couple bucks for the subscription at least for a few months so you can bingeread a couple things.

recommendations for manga on the viz manga app:

recs for the jump app vault (besides the stuff you've definitely already heard of; you already know if you want to read bleach or not i think.)

& you should also read these if you want to get bummed out that they never got the 1000 chapters they deserved. i'll never forgive jump for cancelling two on ice!!!!!!!!

you should read heathcliff, also. i love heathcliff. a really good newspaper comic, in my opinion.

i will add more things here whenever i think of something that might be fun. good luck with the small rectangle internet.

an animated gif of a wizard sitting at a desk, typing