hey - happy valentines day! i (xo) made this for you (myself). it's a bit strange to try to write anything out for myself, since i'm the one thinking it and thus it doesn't really need to be written down in order for me to receive the message, but write i will nevertheless.
my goal after all is to make a valentine for myself the way i would for anybody else, which means writing a note.
your website is great. it is expressive and interesting and unique and fun. everything a website ought to be.
you've gotten really good at CSS really fast, which is honestly impressive for a normal person and especially so considering your whole situation. that is something to be proud of.
you are thoughtful and smart. it is meaningful & worthwhile that you put time and effort and care into thinking things over, even if it doesn't always feel like it.
let's try to have a good day, and not get too upset and frustrated about having a bad one if that should be the case.
you're very charming funny & well-spoken, when you actually talk to people. the reason you don't have a lot of friends is because you never talk to people, not because you're not likeable! just a little reminder for you.
you have really good taste. i mean, look at your website. fuckin killer.