if i could speak to you, little black cat, in a way you could understand, this is what i would say:
you have not been treated the way you should have been.
i'm sorry you were left alone outside. it should never have happened.
i'm sorry you're alone again now. it shouldn't be like this. it's not fair.
your friend simba is with his family in a new house. he is safe. i'm sure he misses you. he would visit you if he could.
your adopted dad loved you so much. i know you must miss him. i'm sorry he's gone. i miss him, too. i miss him so much. would you tell me what happened to him?
i have dreams about him all the time now, where he comes back and he's fine after all. do you have those dreams, too?
there will always be food and water here. you can come here if you're hungry. i promise.
you can come inside if you want to. i would like it if you did. it's warm inside and i worry about you so much.
you don't have to be afraid of me. i know i'm a lot bigger than you, but i want to help. i want to keep you safe.
i won't hurt you. i won't let anyone hurt you.
i hope you are staying warm. did you see the shelter in the back? is it warm enough? do you want another one in the garage? do you want more straw?
what is your favorite flavor of food? do you like the friskies or the meow mix better? do you want a cushion? do you like to climb?
please tell me if you are sick or hurt. i can help if you let me.
please come inside where it is safe. i don't want you to be alone out there.
i think you have grown as big as you will ever get. you are still so small.
i know i scare you. i'm sorry. i'm doing the best i can.
i know you can be brave. i'm going to keep trying. please keep trying, too.