a drifting cloud in the pale grey sky

the beach is grey. above, the sky is a solid mass of clouds that makes the light diffuse into a sourceless ambient glow. ahead, the ocean is dark and murky. the air smells of sulfur and saltwater.

when it's cloudy and threatening to rain, no one else wants to go to the beach. you get the whole place to yourself, and you're free to do whatever you like.

with the sun out of sight, time hardly seems to pass at all.

there are empty mussel shells scattered all around the rocky sand. the outsides are almost black when wet. the smooth inside shimmers like a pearl when the light hits it right. the black exterior sometimes flakes off to reveal that same shimmer on the outside, too.

the sand is soft, but mixed here and there with small sharp pebbles that dig into the soles of your feet. at the edge of the water there are piles of thick slimy brown seaweed. the waves gently wrap it around your ankles.

seagulls circle overhead and hop across the sand, eyeing your belongings with nefarious intent. they know you have food and they will fly away with anything they can get their beaks on.

there's some fun to be had in chasing them across the beach. running over the uneven surface makes you feel clumsy and heavy, like a child uncertain in its own body again.

with wet hair plastered to your neck, dripping water down your spine, even a little breeze is enough to make you shiver. the wind off the ocean stings your eyes just a little. have a seat and wrap yourself up in a beach towel; it's coarse but colorful and warmed by the summer sun.

this page was made for 32 bit cafe's june 2024 code jam. thank you for taking a look! if you'd like a souvenir, here's a postcard and a passport stamp!

code jam 2024 postcard a passport stamp

it looks like

i guess you'd better get going to your next destination!