I've been tagged by xandra! I don't consider myself much of a "blogger" and was surprised anybody remembers I have a blog, but it's nice to be included.

Why did you start blogging in the first place?

For the first place, we'd have to go back to 2005 - 20 years, holy shit - so I'll go with this one. I started this blog to have somewhere to put thoughts when I feel like they've been buzzing around in my head nagging to be Posted somewhere nonspecific. Things I don't really want/need to talk through with another person, just need to organize and put somewhere.

20 years ago, it was because all my friends were doing it, naturally. We all had too many big sad feelings, as tweens and teens usually do, so that's where we dumped all of that as well as rambling life updates and music recommendations and such. Even though we were mostly very sad, I still think fondly of it.

What platform are you using to manage your blog and why did you choose it?

Zonelets. I wanted something on my Neocities, rather than an off-site thing, and I'd been following the creator of Zonelets on Twitter (I think) for a while. It works just fine for my purposes.

Have you blogged on other platforms before?

Yes! Xanga when I was a kid and early teen. I also had a Livejournal. I've had a Tumblr for ages, and used to post on it when I was a teen. More recently, Cohost and Dreamwidth.

How do you write your posts? For example, in a local editing tool, or in a panel/dashboard that's part of your blog?

I have a LibreOffice file on my laptop where I write stuff. Once a post is done I copy & paste it into an HTML file and put it on my website! Sometimes I'll type a post in VSCode on my desktop (that's what I'm doing right now) but not often.

When do you feel most inspired to write?

Probably when I'm annoyed. This blog is for mostly for things that I get stuck in my head and need to get out of there.

Do you publish immediately after writing, or do you let it simmer a bit as a draft?

I post it when it's finished. Sometimes I write a post all in one go, but sometimes I write like half a post and then come back and finish it weeks later. But I don't let a full post simmer; that kind of defeats the purpose of the blog for me.

What's your favourite post on your blog?

Goodwill frogs, probably. I've had a post in the works for a long time abuot fascism that I think will become my favorite post if I ever finish it, but who knows if/when that'll happen. It's a bit serious and a bit inflammatory and it's difficult to figure out how to word what I want to say.

Any future plans for your blog? Maybe a redesign, a move to another platform, or adding a new feature?

I've been thinking about turning it into a rotating cube, but it's not very practical. I think I want to change the title font, since currently it's a Demo Version that doesn't have a lot of punctuation and is thus occasionally ugly. I think I ought to change the hover color for links, too.

I'd also like to have tagging, so I've been considering changing to Zonelots, but haven't bothered yet. I'm not sure when/if I will bother. It's not especially urgent and it's such a pain to have to figure out a new system.